There are 2 ways to import the demo on your website. If option 1 does not work, try option 2.


- Make sure the theme is installed. Then go to WP-Admin > Appearance > Install Plugins. Install and activate all the required plugins.
- Go to WP-Admin > Tools > Demo Content Install. Choose your favorite demo and install it. It should takes 3 to 10 minutes.

If you don't see the "Demo Content Install" under "Tools", go to WP-Admin > Plugins. Deactivate AND Delete "Iron Demo Importer" plugin. Then go to WP-Admin > Appearance > Install Plugins and install "Iron Demo Importer" again. Then refresh your browser. Now check if you can go to WP-Admin > Tools > Demo Content Install.

 If you still don't see the option, go to Option 3: Install from a demo's backup below.

Here's some issue you can face on when importing the demo:

1) Error message: Important: You need to activate zip extension.

This message might shows up when you go to Tools > Demo Content Install ( )

If it's your case, it means that Zip extension is not enable on your server. To enable it,

- Go to your CPANEL > Select PHP Version and check ZIP. See Screenshot:

- If you don't have access to your cpanel, please contact your webhost so he can enable Zip Extension. 

2) Error message: Timed Out
If you have a Timed Out message when you are importing the demo it means that your max_execution_time is set only to 30 second or so. Our demo's data is big and the import process while takes more than 30 seconds. It's why you see a timed out message.

- To raise the time a script is allowed to run, go to your CPANEL > Select PHP Version > Switch to PHP Option (

- Then check for max_execution_time and change the setting for 30 then click Apply and Save (

- If you don't have access to your cpanel or you still receive a timed out message, please contact your webhost so he can set your max_execution_time to 600. 

- If above steps doesnt work, see OPTION 2 below.

3) You can't see the "Demo Content Install" menu under WP-Admin > Tools

- To fix this, go to WP-Admin > Plugins and deactivate AND delete the plugin Iron Demo Importer.
- Then go to WP-Admin > Appearance > Install Plugins, and install the plugin Iron Demo Importer again.
- Then refresh your browser window and you should now see "Demo Content Install" under WP-Admin > Tools.

 If you still don't see the option, go to Option 3: Install from a demo's backup below.


If option 1 doesn't work or you have problem such as Timed Out issues, or Internal Error 500, etc, please install the demo manually. We have setup a  video tutorial to learn how to install it manually. See video below:

Remark: The files required to install the demo's content are located in the folder called /Demos Content/ of the package file you have downloaded from ThemeForest. Please unzip the big .zip file you have downloaded from ThemeForest and extract it on your computer first. Then you will see a folder called /Demos Content/ with the demo of your choice in its sub folder.

Step 01: Install the required plugins: 00:26

Step 02: Import the demo's content XML: 01:11

Step 03: Create and assign a menu: 03:30

Step 04: Tell WordPress which page is your homepage: 04:32

Step 05: Import Revolution Slider and Banners: 05:03

Step 06: Import Essential Grids: 05:56

Step 07: Import the Theme Options: 06:37

Step 08: Import the Music Player Options: 07:52

Link to YouTube video:


1. Go to Appearance > Install Plugins. Install all required plugins and also, install the plugin “Iron Demos Importer” and make sure to activate them.


2. Download to your computer, the demo of your choice:

The Rise:

The Voice:

The Lab:

The Peak:

The Fall:

3. Upload file to your web server in the folder /WP-CONTENT/UPLOADS/FW-BACKUP/
(Create the directory /FW-BACKUP/ in your /uploads/ folder if it does not exist)


5. Select  the archive you want to import then click restore Backup. See screenshot:

You can always open a support ticket at if you have any issues. We are here to help.