To import one of the demo, go to WP-Admin > Drivr > Import Default Data. Click Get Available Demos, then choose the demo you want in the dropdown list. 

This will flush your current content (pages, images, texts)  to be replaced by the full demo's content. Be aware.

If you have any issues with the “Import Default Data” tool, here is an alternative but first, let me explain why you cannot import our dummy data if you use the “Import Default Data” tool.

In most case, the issue is caused by your server’s set time limit.

Basically, when you import default data, your server will “download” the dummy data from OUR server: A script is fired to do this action, right ? Script can runs for a certain period of time and after this period, the connection is lost. This is a security precaution. By default, the limit is set to 30 seconds. When you download the dummy datas from our demos, it can takes 3 to 10 minutes to download, depending your server connection speed. So 30 seconds is way not enough.

The good news is that this limit can be changed.

Try any of the method above:

1. Edit your wp-config.php and add:

Important – If you are making changes in wp-config.php, then add this line above the line: “/* That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */” comment.

2. In htaccess

php_value max_execution_time 600

3. Addition in php.ini file

max_execution_time = 600 ;

After this, try to import default data again. If it still doesnt work, here’s an alternative:



STEP 1 – Import the data manually

First, make sure you have installed the required plugin Visual Composer and Revolution Slider.

Depending which demo you want to import, here’s the XML files to download. Click on the link, then RIGHT-CLICK > SAVE AS and save the XML to your hard drive.

Driver – Agency –
Driver – The Woodcrafter –
Driver – Solo for Artist –
Driver – Parallax –
Driver – Foodies –
Driver – Portfolio –

Once you have downloaded the xml on your hard drive, go to your Wp-Admin > Tools > import > WordPress. You might have to install the plugin if you are using it for the first time.  Using this tool you will be able to import the XML file you’ve just downloaded.

STEP 2 – Import the Revolution Slider’s Data.

Here’s a link to download the data of Revolution Slider:

Driver – Agency –
Driver – Agency –

Driver – The Woodcrafter –
Driver – The Woodcrafter –

Driver – Foodies –

Once the file has been download on your hard drive, go to Wp-Admin > Revolution Slider > Import Slider and import the .zip file you’ve just downloaded.

STEP 3 – Import the Theme Options

Now you have imported the XML data and the sliders, you need to import the demo’s color and options so your site looks exactly the same than our demo. Go to Wp-Admin > Lush > Import / Export. Click Import from URL and copy/paste the URL of the demo you want to import:

Driver – Agency –
Driver – The Woodcrafter –
Driver – Solo for Artist –
Driver – Parallax –
Driver – Foodies –
Driver – Portfolio –


STEP 4 – Assign the homepage, the blog page and the menu

Make sure to go to Settings > Reading and make sure the “Front page” is assigned to Home and the “Posts page” assigned to Blog.

Then, go to Appearance > Menu > Manage Location and make sure your “Main Menu” is assigned to Main menu
You’re all set !

If you still need assistance, please open a support ticket at and our support team will assist you. Don’t forget to provide us your URL address and if possible, a temporary access to your wp-admin.