To change the CROMA logo, go to WP-Admin > CROMA > Logos. 

It is important to upload a standard logo and a retina logo for retina device. The retina logo should be 2x larger than the standard logo and it's only used on devices that support retina displays.

Our theme has the option to select a different logo on a specific page. That's useful when we wish to have a dark background and our logo by default is dark. To select a logo for a specific page, please edit a page and look in the page settings for "Classic Menu logo" option.  Look here if you have changed your logo in wp-admin > CROMA > logo and your logo still doesnt change on the homepage. So go to WP-Admin > Pages > and edit your homepage. The look for the option below:

With the "classic menu" you have the option to change the logo when we scroll. 

Go to wp-admin > CROMA > Menu Option. 

Select "Mini" or "Mini + Full Width" 

And upload a logo in the "Header Logo On Mini" option.

With the "Push Menu" you need to downloand a different standard logo and retina logo who match with the push menu background. 

Please go to wp-admin > CROMA > Menu Option and upload logos.