You have installed a demo from our theme and you want to change the predominants colors. 



Please go first to WP-Admin > FWRD > Look and feel.


In this section you will find different color options.

You can also select a color for title divider, widget divider, and backgrounds.



Go to WP-Admin > FWRD > Typography.


Here, you can edit colors and typographies for every heading (Body, h1, h2, h3, etc.).


Go to WP-Admin > FWRD > Menu.


 In this section you can edit the color for the menu.



Finally, the Iron-Music plugin has his own color options. So please go to WP-Admin > Iron-Music and edit the color of the event listing, and audio player.

Some of the Visual Composer elements, like "Custom Heading", "Buttons", and Background of the rows has they own color setting so make sure to change them as well. Learn more about how to change background images and color.

*Just be aware you can't modify color from images (jpeg, png, gif).