Playlist grids are added via WP-Admin > Playlist. However, they are displayed in the front-end using a premium plugin called Essential Grid which comes for free with the theme.

Add a new album and MP3:

  1. Go to WP-Admin > Playlist > Add New
  2. Enter the title of your album, and an optional descriptions.
  3. Make sure to set your album cover as the featured image:
  4. Fill the textfields under Album Infos with your own content.
  5. Upload your MP3 for each track you have for that album. Only MP3 files are allowed.
  6. Save it.

Add an audio player to a page:

  1. Go to WP-Admin > Pages and edit the page of your choice (ex: Homepage)
  2. Make sure you are using the Backend editor mode:
  3. Add a new Row
  4. Into this row, add an Audio Player widget:
  5. Make sure to choose the album (or multiple album) you want to play in your page.

Create a Playlist page:

  1. Go to WP-Admin > Pages > Add New
  2. Enter the title of your page.
  3. Select the template "Albums Posts" in the "Page Attributes" section:
  4. Save it.