LUSH Documentation

How to import demos for Lush
There are 2 ways to import the demo on your website. If option 1 does not work, try option 2. -------------------------------------- OPTION 1: ONE-CLICK I...
Sat, 4 Nov, 2017 at 9:19 AM
How to add a link in the menu that scrolls to a page section (Anchor)
First you need to create an anchor that will be the "target". With Visual Composer, it's very easy to create an anchor.   1. Click the...
Fri, 8 Jul, 2016 at 3:16 PM
How to activate the Child theme
The child theme comes with the full package that you can download from themeforest. Make sure that you previously uploaded the main theme before ins...
Fri, 8 Jul, 2016 at 3:09 PM
How to change the background
Our theme has many ways to change background images or colors. Changing the overall background:   To change the overall background image or co...
Fri, 20 May, 2016 at 12:26 PM
How to make the parallax effect with Visual Composer?
1. Click on the "Edit row" icon. 2. Activate the parallax option.  3. Select the "Design ...
Fri, 12 Aug, 2016 at 5:32 PM
How can I change the colors of my theme ?
You have installed a demo from our theme and you want to change the predominants colors.      Please go first to WP-Admin...
Wed, 10 Aug, 2016 at 12:28 PM
How to install the theme in WordPress ?
Installation 1. Install WordPress Download and Install WordPress 4.x or later. To Install WordPress please follow the instruction here: http://cod...
Fri, 8 Jul, 2016 at 3:10 PM
I never heard or used Visual Composer before. How to get started ?
Visual Composer is a premium plugin that comes for free with some of our theme such as FWRD, Lush and Driver. With Visual Composer, you can...
Fri, 8 Jul, 2016 at 3:12 PM
How to get my Twitter API Keys ?
In order to use a Twitter feed on your website, you need to tell Twitter that you are the owner of account used. To do this, you need to cre...
Fri, 8 Jul, 2016 at 3:13 PM
How to setup discography section
Discographies grids are added via WP-Admin > Discographies. However, they are displayed in the front-end using a premium plugin called Essential Grid w...
Fri, 8 Jul, 2016 at 3:21 PM