Xenon HTML Template Documention

Mailchimp does't work ? I have an error. What should I do ?
If you have a MailChimp account, you can easily integrate this service using the/scripts/mailchimp/subscription.php file. Don’t forget to add your account i...
Sun, 22 Feb, 2015 at 9:33 PM
The video (dark theme) doesnt work ? What should I do ?
Things to know: Make sure that you tried the site on a live server, not locally. The video cannot play on mobile because of the technology limitatio...
Sun, 22 Feb, 2015 at 9:32 PM
How to disable the top header of Xenon
If you would like to remove the top header, all you need to do is add the no-header class to the body tag of index.html Find this: <body class="&...
Sun, 22 Feb, 2015 at 9:31 PM
The video doesn't show on mobile ? Why ?
The video cannot play on mobile because of the technology limitation. Since we use a javascript "technology" with html5, playing video in a html...
Sun, 22 Feb, 2015 at 9:32 PM