CROMA Documentation

Recommended image size (resolution)
Here our image recommendation for a best result with our theme. For the Blog "Featured images":  1144 px wide. Use the h...
Mon, 22 Aug, 2016 at 5:42 PM
How I change hard-coded texts?
Some texts in our theme are hard-coded, like back and next buttons or labels days, hours, minutes from the countdown. You can't find...
Wed, 24 Aug, 2016 at 1:36 PM
How the admin and back-end of Croma looks like ?
Here's a sneak peak of how the admin dashboard within WordPress looks like for Croma. Theme Options:  Watch Video Demo Importer:...
Wed, 14 Sep, 2016 at 9:24 AM
I can't choose the slug or page name such as /music /videos /event
You have created a page and the slug name doesn't match the page name. It has an undesirable "-2" which is added. You are trying to remove it ...
Tue, 24 Jan, 2017 at 1:52 PM